Prevent default image deletion with Easyadmin 3

May 23, 2021 MrAnyx 1 min de lecture

Depending on your use case, you can face a problem where an image is deleted when a row containing an image is deleted.

First of all, you can override the default type of the image. Using the setFormType method, you can set the ImageField to a FileUploadType like the example bellow :

public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
    return [

Then, if you take a closer look at the FileUploadType on the configureOptions method, you will see some parameters that can be overrided.

   'upload_dir' => $this->projectDir.'/public/uploads/files/',
   'upload_new' => $uploadNew,
   'upload_delete' => $uploadDelete,
   'upload_filename' => $uploadFilename,
   'upload_validate' => $uploadValidate,
   'download_path' => $downloadPath,
   'allow_add' => $allowAdd,
   'allow_delete' => true,
   'data_class' => $dataClass,
   'empty_data' => $emptyData,
   'multiple' => false,
   'required' => false,
   'error_bubbling' => false,
   'allow_file_upload' => true,

The last you need to do is to override the default function for the upload_delete option. Now you just need to override this callable using the function setFormTypeOption like this :

public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
    return [
            ->setFormTypeOption('allow_delete', false)
            ->setFormTypeOption('upload_delete', function(File $file) {})

You can also set the allow_delete to false using the same method.

Cover photo by Andrew Neel

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