TLDR #8 - February 2022

February 5, 2022 • MrAnyx • 5 min de lecture

📚 TLDR (Too Long; Don't Read) is a monthly post to help you discover some great and innovative github projects, youtube channels or blog posts.

Today's episode is about : a configurable test framework with vitejs, a tool that combines git and mysql, a set of principles and laws, a tool to test APIs and a project to create wikis and documentations.


Vitest, as the name might suggest, is a javascript and typescript testing framework usable and configurable using vitejs. This project is still in development but it remains very promising.

The main advantage of such a tool is that tests are run in parallel to improve overall performance. This parallelization of tests is made possible thanks to tinypool. Moreover, as we mentioned earlier, this testing framework is intimately linked to vitejs. This way, all of vitest's configuration is done through the vitejs configuration file (vite.config.js). But you can also configure vitest in a separate file.

Many frontend frameworks are currently compatible such as: React, Lit, Vue, Svelte, Vitesse, ...

Overall this very powerful and lightweight testing framework. However, it is indicated that it is, for the moment, not recommended to use vitest in your important projects because this tool is still in the development phase.


You are probably already familiar with the Git tool. What if there was a tool that combines the power of MySQL with the versatility of Git. This tool is called Dolt. Dolt is a version manager for databases.

This tool is described as a way to use fork, merge, push or pull commands on a database.

Dolt can be installed on all platforms: Linux, Windows, MacOS. It is even possible to use this tool thanks to Docker which can be extremely useful.

Dolt can be extremely useful for sharing data or making a database public.

All Git commands can be used with Dolt. So you will not be lost using this tool.

Finally, there are already several databases available that can be forked

Hacker Laws

Hacker laws is a github repository that brings together many theories and laws about the internet but also several development principles to produce orderly and organized code.

This repository is not only available in English. Indeed, several translations are available to make this project accessible to as many people as possible.

If you want to share this project or even keep a version on your machine, a PDF version is also available. Unfortunately, the PDF is only available in English.

If you know of a law or principle that is not listed, you can create an issue to offer suggestions.


Do you regularly build APIs but struggle to test them? Hoppscotch is for you. Hoppscotch is a web application that will allow you to test the different routes of your APIs.

Many types of APIs can be tested, such as: GraphQL APIs, APIs based on websockets, MQTT APIs, ... You will therefore not be restricted by the type of API.

All the basic functionalities of an API are present with authentication, headers, parameters, ...

This tool is also available as a progressive web app (PWA). Therefore, on a browser, you will be able to install the application on your desktop.

Overall, the design is quite simple but effective, the tool is very powerful and quite easy to use.


Wiki.js is a documentation manager created from Node.js. You can install this application on many types of system: Linux, MacOS, Windows, Docker, Kubernetes or Heroku. As long as the system supports Nodejs, Wiki.js can be installed.

However, some prerequisites must be taken into account. All of these server-side prerequisites are available in the documentation.

Moreover, this tool is compatible with almost all relational database management system such as MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite or Microsoft SQL Server.

You can write your documentation in markdown, using code or directly from visual studio code.

Wiki.js is created with Vuejs and the whole interface was made with Vuetify which means the interface is consistent, simple and easy to use.

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